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Template semantics.
void templateDeclarationSemantic(Scope* sc, TemplateDeclaration tempdecl);
Perform semantic analysis on template.
Scope* sc context
TemplateDeclaration tempdecl template declaration
MATCH matchWithInstance(Scope* sc, TemplateDeclaration td, TemplateInstance ti, ref Objects dedtypes, ArgumentList argumentList, int flag);
Given that ti is an instance of this TemplateDeclaration, deduce the types of the parameters to this, and store those deduced types in dedtypes[].
Scope* sc context
TemplateDeclaration td template
TemplateInstance ti instance of td
Objects dedtypes fill in with deduced types
ArgumentList argumentList arguments to template instance
int flag 1 - don't do semantic() because of dummy types 2 - don't change types in matchArg()
match level.
bool evaluateConstraint(TemplateDeclaration td, TemplateInstance ti, Scope* sc, Scope* paramscope, Objects* dedargs, FuncDeclaration fd);
Check to see if constraint is satisfied.
void formatParamsWithTiargs(ref TemplateParameters parameters, ref Objects tiargs, bool variadic, ref OutBuffer buf);
Append to buf a textual representation of template parameters with their arguments.
TemplateParameters parameters the template parameters
Objects tiargs the correspondeing template arguments
bool variadic if it's a variadic argument list
OutBuffer buf where the text output goes
Scope* createScopeForTemplateParameters(TemplateDeclaration td, TemplateInstance ti, Scope* sc);
Create a scope for the parameters of the TemplateInstance ti in the parent scope sc from the ScopeDsymbol paramsym.
If paramsym is null a new ScopeDsymbol is used in place of paramsym.
TemplateDeclaration td template that ti is an instance of
TemplateInstance ti the TemplateInstance whose parameters to generate the scope for.
Scope* sc the parent scope of ti
new scope for the parameters of ti
MATCH leastAsSpecialized(Scope* sc, TemplateDeclaration td, TemplateDeclaration td2, ArgumentList argumentList);
Determine partial specialization order of td vs td2.
Scope* sc context
TemplateDeclaration td first template
TemplateDeclaration td2 second template
ArgumentList argumentList arguments to template
MATCH - td is at least as specialized as td2 MATCH.nomatch - td2 is more specialized than td
MATCHpair deduceFunctionTemplateMatch(TemplateDeclaration td, TemplateInstance ti, Scope* sc, ref FuncDeclaration fd, Type tthis, ArgumentList argumentList);
Match function arguments against a specific template function.
TemplateDeclaration td template declaration for template instance
TemplateInstance ti template instance. ti.tdtypes will be set to Expression/Type deduced template arguments
Scope* sc instantiation scope
FuncDeclaration fd Partially instantiated function declaration, which is set to an instantiated function declaration
Type tthis 'this' argument if !NULL
ArgumentList argumentList arguments to function
match pair of initial and inferred template arguments
RootObject declareParameter(TemplateDeclaration td, Scope* sc, TemplateParameter tp, RootObject o);
Declare template parameter tp with value o, and install it in the scope sc.
void functionResolve(ref MatchAccumulator m, Dsymbol dstart, Loc loc, Scope* sc, Objects* tiargs, Type tthis, ArgumentList argumentList, void delegate(const(char)*) scope errorHelper = null);
Given function arguments, figure out which template function to expand, and return matching result.
MatchAccumulator m matching result
Dsymbol dstart the root of overloaded function templates
Loc loc instantiation location
Scope* sc instantiation scope
Objects* tiargs initial list of template arguments
Type tthis if !NULL, the 'this' pointer argument
ArgumentList argumentList arguments to function
void delegate(const(char)*) scope errorHelper delegate to send error message to if not null